慶應義塾大学 ヒト生物学-微生物叢- 量子計算研究センター (Bio2Q)
Keio University Human Biology- Microbiome- Quantum Research Center (Bio2Q)
Integrating Biology, Microbiome and Quantum Computing for Healthy Longevity

The 3rd Keio University WPI-Bio2Q International Symposium [Updated on Feb. 28]
The Keio University Human Biology-Microbiome-Quantum Research Center (WPI-Bio2Q) will hold the 3rd Keio University WPI-Bio2Q International S...
Professor Michisuke Yuzaki Receives 2024 Uehara Prize
We are pleased to announce that Professor Michisuke Yuzaki, Special Advisor to Director and PI of Bio2Q, has been awarded the "Uehara Memori...
Call for full-time Technical Staff for Professor Nadinath Nillegoda’s Lab
Nadinath Nillegoda’s Lab is currently hiring a technical staff for FY2025. We look forward to receiving applications from candidates with...
New Member - Dr. Daniel Richard Mende
Introducing new member of Bio2Q We are delighted to welcome Dr. Daniel Richard Mende as a PI at Bio-1 Core of Bio2Q. The greeting from ...
Mission & Identity of Bio2Q
Human health is maintained by complex interactions between multiple organs. These interactions include the microbiome, which exists on every external surface of the body, and the resulting information is processed and utilized in a coordinated manner.
Our center will develop novel research techniques to understand the interactions between multiple organs and the microbiome and develop methods to apply quantum computing to human biology. Our mission is to forge a new interdisciplinary research area that will lead to groundbreaking progress in elucidating the regulatory mechanisms sustaining human health. In the long term, we will develop new prophylactic/therapeutic approaches to promote healthy longevity.
World leaders in microbiome research, organoid technology, metabolic analysis, neural circuit analysis, and quantum computing
Integration of cutting-edge technologies of the three research core units, the Multidimensional data analysis core, the Homeodynamics mechanistic analysis core, and the Quantum computing core, to promote fusion research
Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and quantum computing to further the understanding of human biology
Comprehensive, longitudinal clinical samples related to cancer, diabetes, obesity, neuropsychiatric disorders, developmental disorders, immune disorders, aging, and centenarians
A joint cross-disciplinary graduate English program (STaMP) between the Graduate School of Medicine, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Graduate School of Science and Technology.
Members & Collaboration
Our Team
Bio2Q brings together world-leading experts across multiple life science disciplines, bioinformatics and quantum computing functionally organized into Bio-1 (Multidimensional data analysis), Bio-2 (Homeodynamics mechanistic analysis) and Q (quantum computing) core units.
Bio2Q is part of the collaborative network of world-leading researchers. Thus, Bio2Q collaborates with researchers from Harvard University, MRC-LMB, Nanyang Technological University, Riken, and Central Institute for Experimental Animals.
Goals of Research
Accumulate multiomics data from humans and model organisms and compile a multidimensional database.
Elucidate the structure and function of microbiome-derived metabolites.
Refine imaging metabolomics and structural biology to promote in situ functional analysis of metabolites in organs and cells.
Develop quantum computing-based algorithms and pipelines to analyze the interactions between multiple organs and microorganisms.
Model the interface between the environment and the human body by advancing organoid technology and animal models and elucidate the mechanisms underlying the conversion of external factors into internal signals.
Leverage connectomics and structural biology to understand the dynamic multiorgan interactions, including gut-brain communication.
- Bio 1 Core
- Bio 2 Core
- Q Core

A joint cross-disciplinary graduate
English program
Bio2Q has established a joint cross-disciplinary graduate English program called STaMP (Science and Technology, and Medicine, Pharmacy) between the Graduate School of Medicine, the Graduate School of Science and Technology, and the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The Bio2Q STaMP program is a “place of resonance” where faculty, researchers, and students from the three graduate schools can directly interact with one another. This enables each graduate student to work with multiple mentors and receive guidance that transcends graduate school boundaries.
STaMP aims to achieve the following:
- Shared mentor program
- Research internship program
- Symposium & retreat led by graduate students
- Cross-listed graduate workshops
- High school outreach program
Support Bio2Q
Your generous support will play a significant role in shaping the future of medical research at our center and for the betterment of humanity.
Please get in touch via our administration office if you are considering supporting our research efforts at Bio2Q.
Your Support Allows Us To:
- Promote interdisciplinary research activities
- Maintain our research environment
- Develop research talent
- Manage and operate our research center
- Contribute to society by sharing research findings and related activities worldwide
Information on Tax Benefits (Donation Deduction)
Donations made to Keio University are considered contributions to specified public interest promotion organizations. This means they qualify for preferential treatment under the Income Tax Act (for individuals) and the Corporation Tax Act (for corporations) in the form of donation deductions or tax deductions. For comprehensive details, please visit the Keio University Office of Fund Raising website.
Open Positions
We are currently recruiting for
the following positions:
Digital Downloads
Booklets for young readers
Keio University Human Biology-Microbiome-Quantum Research Center (Bio2Q)
+81 3 6709 8106
35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo 160-8582 Japan