第3回 慶應義塾大学 WPI-Bio2Q 国際シンポジウム

Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Shruti NAIK, Immunology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Alexander RUDENSKY, Chair, Immunology, Sloan Kettering Institute, USA
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Sidonia FAGARASAN, Professor, Mucosal Immunity, CCII, Kyoto University, Japan
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Dan LITTMAN, Professor, Molecular Immunology, New York University School of Medicine, USA
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Ivaylo IVANOV, Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, Columbia University, USA
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Marco JOST, Assistant Professor, Microbiology, Harvard Medical School, USA
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Shimon SAKAGUCHI, Professor, Immunology, WPI-IFReC, Osaka University, Japan
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Sho YAMASAKI, Professor, Molecular Immunology, WPI-IFReC, Osaka University, Japan
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Ryosuke TAKAHASHI, Program Officer of WPI-Bio2Q / Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

At the venue of the symposium (Kitasato Hall)
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Masayuki AMAGAI, Vice-President for Research, Professor, Keio University, Japan
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Makoto ARITA, Professor, Lipidomics, WPI-Bio2Q, Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University, Japan
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Kenya HONDA, Professor, Microbiome and Immunology, WPI-Bio2Q, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Oltea SAMPETREAN, Project Professor, Administrative Director of WPI-Bio2Q, Keio University, Japan
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Kazuyoshi ISHIGAKI, Symposium Organizer, WPI-Bio2Q / Professor, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Kaoru HIDA LEONG, Project Associate Professor, Microbiome, Drug Metabolism, WPI-Bio2Q, Keio University, Japan
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Jumpei SASABE, Associate Professor, Biochemistry, WPI-Bio2Q, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Ms. Mari SHIOZAKI (ポスターセッション 優勝)
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Dr. Huizhuo PAN (ポスターセッション 第2位)
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Mr. Seiga KOMIYAMA (ポスターセッション 第3位)
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

シンポジウム プログラム
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

シンポジウム ポスター
Credits: WPI-Bio2Q

第3回 慶應義塾大学 WPI-Bio2Q 国際シンポジウム が、「健康長寿のための、生物学、マイクロバイオーム、免疫学の融合」と題して、2025年3月6日と7日の二日間にわたり、信濃町キャンパス内の「近代日本医学の父」と称される北里柴三郎の名を冠した北里ホールで、現地参加限定で開催されました。
WPI: World Premier International Research Center Initiative (世界トップレベル研究拠点プログラム)
Bio2Q (バイオ・ツー・キュー): Human Biology-Microbiome-Quantum Research Center (ヒト生物学–微生物叢–量子計算研究センター)
第3回 慶應義塾大学 WPI-Bio2Q 国際シンポジウム アジェンダ
Opening Remarks
Ryosuke TAKAHASHI, M.D., Ph.D./ Program Officer of WPI-Bio2Q, Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
Masayuki AMAGAI, M.D., Ph.D. / Vice-President for Research, Professor, Keio University, Japan
Kenya HONDA, M.D., Ph.D. / Center Director of WPI-Bio2Q, Professor, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan
Kazuyoshi ISHIGAKI, M.D., Ph.D. / Symposium Organizer, WPI-Bio2Q, Professor, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan
chaired by Kazuyoshi Ishigaki
❶ Shruti NAIK, Ph.D. / Immunology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Microbe-stem cell crosstalk in repair and regeneration
❷ Sho YAMASAKI, Ph.D. / Professor, Molecular Immunology, WPI-IFReC, Osaka University, Japan
Recognition of self components through immune receptors
❸ Dan LITTMAN, M.D., Ph.D. / Professor, Molecular Immunology, New York University School of Medicine, USA
Establishment of T cell homeostasis in the GI tract
chaired by Kenya Honda
❹ Shimon SAKAGUCHI, M.D., Ph.D. / Professor, Immunology, WPI-IFReC, Osaka University, Japan
Conversion of disease-mediating T cells into Tregs for treatment of immunological diseases
❺ Sidonia FAGARASAN, M.D., Ph.D. / Professor, Mucosal Immunity, CCII, Kyoto University, Japan
Metabolic regulatory pathways and anti-cancer responses
❻ Alexander RUDENSKY, Ph.D. / Chair, Immunology, Sloan Kettering Institute, USA
Regulatory T cells in Cancer
chaired by Koji Hase
❼ Jumpei SASABE, M.D., Ph.D. / Associate Professor, Biochemistry, WPI-Bio2Q, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan
The Mirror Effect: Gut Microbes Flip Amino Acids for Bioactive Signals
❽ Makoto ARITA, Ph.D. / Professor, Lipidomics, WPI-Bio2Q, Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University, Japan
Lipidome Signatures associated with aging and host-microbiome interactions
❾ Marco JOST, Ph.D. / Assistant Professor, Microbiology, Harvard Medical School, USA
Deciphering the chemical language of host-microbiome communication
chaired by Timur Tuganbaev
❿ Kaoru HIDA LEONG, Ph.D. / Project Associate Professor, Microbiome, Drug Metabolism, WPI- Bio2Q, Keio University, Japan
The Impact of the Gut Microbiome on Parkinson’s Disease
⓫ Ivaylo IVANOV, Ph.D. / Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, Columbia University, USA
Generation of tissue-resident commensal-specific CD4 T cells
⓬ Kenya HONDA, M.D., Ph.D. / Professor, Microbiome and Immunology, WPI-Bio2Q, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan
Mining the gut microbiota to develop rationally designed microbial therapeutics
Poster Session
Ashish JOSHI
Huizhuo PAN
Haowei LI
Poster Award Ceremony
1st Prize: Mari SHIOZAKI,
Exploring Synapses as a Key to Multiorgan Interactions – Hearing Impairment as a “Synaptopathy”
2nd Prize: Huizhuo PAN,
The Gut-Brain Connection: Microbiota Influences on the Enteric Nervous System
3rd Prize: Seiga KOMIYAMA
M-cell-dependent commensal uptake confers encephalitogenic phenotypes on γδT17 cells in Peyer’s patch.
Closing Remarks
Oltea SAMPETREAN, M.D., Ph.D./ Project Professor, Administrative Director of WPI-Bio2Q, Keio University, Japan
Symposium Organizing Committee
Kazuyoshi ISHIGAKI (石垣 和慶), Therese SOLBERG, Haowei LI, Fiona QUIRION, Minami HOSOYA, Junta KOMAMURA (駒村純太)
研究者紹介 - Dr. Joaquim Caner
Bio-1コアのポスドク研究員としてJoaquim Canerが着任しました。 ご挨拶 「私は、医薬化学から光触媒の分野へと研究を移行した後、有田誠教授の指導のもと、Bio2Qの研究コミュニティに参加し、有機化学と最先端の生物医学的応用の融合を探求できることを大変嬉しく思...
【研究成果】Highly Selective Cytokine Induction of Nitrated Lipid-Modified α-GalCer De...
タイトル Highly Selective Cytokine Induction of Nitrated Lipid-Modified α-GalCer Derivatives Demonstrating High Binding Affinity to the Lipid A...
【研究成果】Heterochromatin-dependent transcription links the PRC2 complex to small RN...
タイトル Heterochromatin-dependent transcription links the PRC2 complex to small RNA-mediated DNA elimination 著者 Therese Solberg [1],[2],...
柚﨑通介教授が上原記念生命科学財団 上原賞を受賞
このたび、Bio2QのPI、拠点長特別補佐 柚﨑通介教授が、「上原記念生命科学財団 上原賞」を受賞したことをお知らせいたします。本賞は、生命科学、特に健康の増進、疾病の予防、および治療に関する分野で顕著な業績を上げ、今後さらなる飛躍が期待される日本人研究者に授与されるものです...
テクニカルスタッフ(研究員)募集(特任教授Nadinath Nillegoda研究室)
Nadinath Nillegoda研究室では、現在テクニカルスタッフ(1名)を募集しています。 マウス研究において豊富な経験を持ち、研究室メンテナンス業務をおこない、PI(主任研究者)と直接仕事をし、実験目標を達成するためにチームメンバーと協力していただける方からのご応募...