【研究成果】Transcription of MERVL retrotransposons is required for preimplantation embryo development
タイトル |
Transcription of MERVL retrotransposons is required for preimplantation embryo development |
著者 | Akihiko Sakashita1,3, Tomohiro Kitano 1,3, Hirotsugu Ishizu1, Youjia Guo 1, Harumi Masuda1, Masaru Ariura1, Kensaku Murano 1 & Haruhiko Siomi 1,2 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-023-01324-y |
雑誌名 | Nature Genetics |
巻号 | 55, 484–495 |
出版年月日 | 2023年3月2日 |
1Department of Molecular Biology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
2Human Biology Microbiome Quantum Research Center (WPI-Bio2Q), Keio University, Tokyo, Japan.
3These authors contributed equally: Akihiko Sakashita, Tomohiro Kitano.
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